The Economy

This page contains links to data files, reports and Statistical Bulletins relating to the economy of St Helena, including price inflation, gross domestic product (GDP), external trade, wages and incomes, and other topics including exchange rates, production, construction, utilities, and aid. For summary charts and commentary on these topics, please visit the Economy section of St Helena in Figures.

For detailed reports and data from the 2017 Household Expenditure Survey and the 2018 and 2019 Business Surveys please see: Surveys

Price Inflation

Latest data files and updates on price inflation:

  • Data file (Excel format), Quarterly data file updated to Quarter 2 2024, released in July 2024. Includes the Retail Price Index by category of expenditure, and estimates of annual and quarterly price inflation.
  • Statistical update on the Retail Price Index and Inflation for Q2 2024, issued July 2024

Previous statistical updates and Bulletins on the Retail Price Index and Price Inflation:

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Latest data files and Statistical Bulletins on GDP:

  • Data file (Excel format), estimates to 2021/22, (financial years), last updated in June 2023. Includes estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Income (GNI), corresponding growth rates, value added by sector, and GDP and GNI per capita
  • Statistical Bulletin, economic activity for 2021/22, issued June 2023 (PDF version available here)

Previous Statistical Bulletins on Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Income per capita (PDF format):

External Trade

Latest data files and Statistical Bulletins on external trade:

  • Data file (Excel format), annual (calender years to 2023, financial years to 22/23) and quarterly statistics to Quarter 1, 2023, updated in March 2024. Includes the value of imports and exports of goods by value, the estimated value of visitor expenditure to 23/24, and exports of fish by species and quantity
  • Latest Statistical Bulletin, imports of goods 2022/23, issued August 2023

Previous Statistical Bulletins on the Imports of Goods (PDF format):

Wages and Incomes

Latest data files and Statistical Bulletins on wages and incomes:

  • Data file (Excel format), annual to 2022/23 (financial years), last released in April 2024. Includes estimates of average gross incomes from full time employment, adjusted for inflation.
  • Latest Statistical Bulletin (PDF format), average gross incomes from employment, 2022/23, issued April 2023.

Previous Statistical Bulletins on Wages and Average Gross Incomes from Employment (PDF format):

Other Topics

Latest data files, reports, and Statistical Bulletins on other topics:

  • Exchange rates, monthly data file to July 2024 released in August 2024 (Excel format). Includes average exchange rates of the St Helena pound to the South African Rand, Euro, and US Dollar
  • Production, quarterly data file to Quarter 4, 2022, last released in May 2023 (Excel format). Includes estimates of livestock population, meat production, fish catches and sales, forestry and firewood production
  • Construction, quarterly data file to Quarter 4, 2023, released in March 2024 (Excel format). Includes number of building permits issued, and statistics on construction activity
  • Utilities , quarterly data file to Quarter 1, 2024, released in June 2024 (Excel format). Includes indicators on water and electricity supply and consumptions
  • Aid, annual data file updated to 2021, released in June 2023 Includes estimates of aid spending by other countries on behalf of St Helena (Excel format)
  • Aid spending on behalf of St Helena, 2017 (PDF format), Statistical Bulletin issued January 2019
  • 2017 RPI Item Categories and Weights (PDF format), issued May 2018
  • Estimates of purchasing power parity between St Helena, UK, and US (PDF format), Statistical Bulletin issued November 2016
  • Minimum Income Standard (PDF format), Statistical Bulletin issued November 2019