The Legislature makes laws for the peace, order and good government of St Helena. The Legislature of St Helena consists of His Majesty the King, represented in St Helena by the Governor and the Legislative Council, as enshrined in Section 47 of the Constitution.
The Legislative Council consists of:
- A Speaker
- A Deputy Speaker
- 12 Elected Members, and
- The Attorney General (non-voting Ex Officio Member)
Elections are held every four years to select the Elected Members of the Council.
Section 61 of the Constitution provides for meetings of the Legislative Council. Further details regarding the regulation and orderly conduct of meetings are set out in the Standing Orders of Legislative Council made in accordance with Section 68 of the Constitution.
The St Helena Legislative Council endeavours to meet formally at least four times per year. Standing Orders also provide for Ministers Question Time when meetings of the Council are convened specifically for Council to put questions to a Minister. These meetings are held on a monthly basis.
The Code of Conduct for Members of Legislative Council made in accordance with Section 71 of the Constitution, details the behaviour expected of the Speaker and other Members of the Legislative Council. Accordingly anyone seeing need to lodge a complaint against any untoward action of a Member, may do so in writing, dated and addressed to the Speaker through their office at the Castle, Jamestown.
The Select Committees Establishment Order made in accordance with Section 69A of the Constitution, sets out the functions, responsibilities and procedures of the Select Committees.
Sessional Papers are reports and papers which have been deposited with the Clerk of Councils and tabled ‘in the House’. They include Bills for Ordinances, the SHG Estimates, annual financial reports of St Helena Government and various other entities (e.g. St Helena National Trust), reports of the Public Accounts Committee, Select Committees and St Helena Audit, and Hansards, etc. Thereafter these Papers become public documents.
Also available for viewing are Hansards, Order Papers and Elections information.