Children’s Services

The Children’s Team is based behind Ebony View in Half Tree Hollow; they can be contacted on Tel: 23312.

The Children’s Team is comprised of:

  • Team Manager
  • Assistant Team Manager
  • Social Worker
  • Social Care Officers

The Speech and Language Service and Therapeutic Practitioner are also based within the Children’s Team providing specialist support for vulnerable children on St Helena. Together the team has a duty to protect children who may be at risk of harm, whether that be from family members or others. The team is responsible for supporting and protecting vulnerable children to live safe, happy and healthy lives; this involves working with their parents or caregivers and other agencies. The Children’s team works closely with other Directorates and teams across SHG including Education, Health and the Police.

The Children’s Team has a statutory obligation to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable children, as outlined in the Welfare of Children’s Ordinance, 2008, and can provide a range of services to children and their parents or caregivers, usually within their own home environment and co-ordinated by a Social Worker. Current services include, but are not limited to, parenting support, respite, keeping safe interventions with children, Child in Need payments and Better Living Allowance for children with disabilities.


Referrals to Children’s Services can happen in a number of ways. You can request help yourself by calling the team on Tel: 23312 or completing an email referral as detailed below. 

Referrals can also be made by other professionals who are working with the children or family, including schools, Doctors and the Police. If there are concerns that a child is being abused or neglected, professionals, family members or anyone else who is concerned can approach the Children’s Team or the Police for advice.

Email referrals should be completed using the Referral Form and sent to Should you have difficulties completing the form you can call the team on Tel: 23312 and they will assist you with this.