St Paul’s Primary School is situated in the St Paul’s area in Pounceys near St Paul’s Cathedral. It was built with three tiers to the school building. It was first a Junior and Senior School, then a First and Middle School before the amalgamation into a Primary School.
St Paul’s Primary is well known for its grassy playgrounds and the cold climatic atmosphere, probably one of the coldest areas on the Island.
School Building
The school is divided into three sections – Top, middle and bottom.
As you enter the main entrance from the top gate you will enter into the area where there is the Games Room and Hall on either side.
The middle section caters for the Yr 4, Yr 6 and Intervention classes as well as other rooms for specific lessons and resources such as the Homecraft Centre and Learning Mentor Room-Chill Den. There are also some storage areas and children’s toilets within this section.
The bottom section caters for the School Library and Reading Resources, Years 1, 2, 3 and Yr 5 classes and also other rooms used for lessons, display of resources and PE equipment. The Headteacher, Deputy and School Secretary’s Office is within this section.
St Paul’s Primary School Plan of Grounds and Rooms
A plan is attached for easy reference to get a ‘feel’ of the school.
There are also specific areas for play which is divided into Zones.
Zone 1 is a hard court area which will be timetabled for use by either Key Stage
Zone 2 is a grassy area near the Nursery/Reception Classrooms – strictly for Early Years.
Zones 3, 4 and 5 form the large play grassy area and is shared by all pupils.
The school caters for pupils from Sandy Bay, Bluehill, St Paul’s, Gordons Post, New Ground and Upper Half Tree Hollow. Currently, the school houses 134 pupils. This is made up of eight year groups ranging from Nursery to Yr 6.
Nursery pupils attend school from 9-12pm. The rest from 9-3pm. Most pupils are transported by buses some leaving home very early as 7.15am. Some parents bring their children to school.
Staff work from 8.30 to 4pm although the school is opened from 8am and the school Secretary and Auxiliary worker supervises any early pupils.
A breakfast Club is arranged for any pupils who arrive early.
Our Vision Statement
Together we aim to strive to provide a safe, caring and happy environment where the love for learning will be nurtured for life.
We strongly believe that children leaving our school will be well equipped for the future if they have this statement firmly established in their minds.
Our vision at St Paul’s Primary School is to guide children and adults to become life-long learners and responsible citizens who are prepared to face a challenging world by offering those experiences that promote the value and enjoyment of education and learning.
Our Values
- Respect
- Trust/Honesty
- Responsibility
- Unity/Equality
- Happiness
- Achievement
- Positive Attitude
Our School Mission
All members of the school community will work together:
- To provide a high quality, comprehensive and meaningful education for all students
- To empower all students to apply their acquired skills and knowledge, and to rely upon their personal attributes
- To provide a welcoming, stimulating and safe environment for all children
- To foster disciplined children through a value driven school through collective commitment and responsibility
- To encourage, value and develop every child’s contribution to the school and community
- To recognise and celebrate success in everyone
- To provide a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum, which is relevant to children’s needs and interests
- To encourage and value the holistic development of every individual to reach their full potential.
School Logo

Our school logo represents Jonathan the tortoise who is the oldest living land animal in the world and who lives in the grounds of the Governors house just below our school.
The bumble bee represents the school colours of yellow and black and also that we work together as a team.
Our motto is TEAM – Together everyone achieves more.
Uniform is not mandatory however, we encourage pupils to wear their yellow polo shirts to school but most importantly when on school trips.