We are committed to providing a professional and high quality service. One of the ways in which we can continue to improve our service is by listening and responding to the views of our clients.
Therefore we aim to:
- allow complaints to be made as easily as possible
- treat all complaints seriously
- deal with a complaint promptly and politely
- respond in the right way – for example, with an explanation
or an apology where we have got things wrong and feedback on any action taken - learn from complaints and use them to improve our services
Making a Complaint
Please write or email your complaint, making sure you:
- Include as much detail as possible so that we can investigate and respond accordingly
- Provide full contact details as well as your preferred method of response (i.e. email or letter)
- Send all complaints via the Complaint Form – General, print and complete the form then address to:
Miss Linda Benjamin
Information and Research Support Officer
Corporate Support
Corporate Services
The Castle
Or contact her:
- Telephone: 00 (290) 25252
- Fax: 00 (290) 22598
Email: customer.relations@sainthelena.gov.sh
What happens next?
All communications are logged.
We will aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within three working days and will aim to send you a more detailed response within 10 working days to inform you of what action has been taken as a result of your complaint.
We may contact you for further information if necessary during our investigation.
Please see our SHG Complaints Procedure Leaflet for further details.
Please click on the below for forms relating to your complaint submission.