HM Customs and Port Control building
The Wharf Jamestown
South Atlantic Ocean
Opening Hours
8.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday. On call 24/7.
Contact Details
Office: +290-22750
On-call Mobile: +290 61291
Maritime Radio
VHF Channel: 14
E-mail address.
Email: port.control@sainthelena.gov.sh
Harbour Master: simon.lee@sainthelena.gov.sh
Deputy Harbour master: Nicholas.crowie@sainthelena.gov.sh
Logistics Coordinator: gene.henry@sainthelena.gov.sh
Process for Vessel arriving at St Helena
All vessels: Must inform St Helena’s coast Station “St Helena Radio” that they are approaching St Helena of VHF channel 16. The Coast station will give further instruction.
Ships: All vessels will be given instruction of where to anchor by Port control, this can be done by e-mail before the date of arrival or by VHF on arrival. Port control conduct operations on VHF Channel 14. Master’s declaration forms must be completed, on or before arrival.
Yachts: All yachts are currently required to anchor due to the yacht mooring system being out of service.
You are advised to anchor to the North west of our mooring system that is located on the western side of James bay, Position:15 55.400’s South 005 43.500’w, Depth of water varies from 13m to 22m
An alternative anchorage position on the East of James bay, Position: North west from Munden’s Point: 15 55.100’s and 005 43.130’w depth of water 15M
- All yachts are requested to use an anchorage alarm and to ensure the anchor has a firm hold before disembarking the vessel.
Once anchored
- Before disembarking please contact Port Control on VHF channel 14.
- If your arrival is at night or over the weekend, you are required to contact “St Helena Radio” on VHF Channel 16 who will then notify Port Control of your arrival.
- Port controls normal working hours are 8.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday and is on call Saturday to Sunday.
- NO crew members are allowed ashore unless authorised by Port control.
Information on Biosecurity
- It is prohibited to land honey, fresh produce or plant material on St Helena Island.
- It is prohibited to land animals on St Helena Island without prior permission.
- Waste originating off-island must be double-bagged in plastic bin-bags tied at the top and disposed of securely inside a waste bin,which can be found at the wharf steps.
- Empty honey jars should be thoroughly cleaned with bleach.
- In addition, please check your shoes, bags, sports and hiking equipment and other items for mud or weed seeds, and make sure they are clean before landing.
Coming Ashore
For safety reasons, it is recommended to come ashore using the local ferry service. The Ferry service is contactable on VHF Channel 16.
Ferry Service Operating hours are from 4am until 7pm every day except Christmas day and Good Friday. Outside of these hours arrangements must be made with the ferry operator directly.
You must check into the Port Control Building which is located on the Seafront and can be identified as white in colour and by its clock tower. Once there you will find these departments which you should present yourself in this order.
- PORT CONTROL – This is the office of the Harbour Master will you will be Cleared In and given Pratique. Only the Vessel Master is required for this process.
- IMMIGRATION – This where the entire crew will need to present themselves with all of their identification and insurance documentation which could also include visa’s if required.
- CUSTOMS – Here the Master of the vessel will need to carry out customs declaration with the relevant documentation.