The Emergency Planning Department is part of the Safety, Security and Home Affairs Portfolio.
The Emergency Planning Team is responsible for:
- Producing Emergency Response Plans for major risks as identified by the Island Risk Register
- Co-ordination of the St Helena Resilience Forum and task and finish sub groups
- Multi–Agency training and exercising of key personnel in response to Major Incidents
- Liaising with all SHG Portfolios and private agencies in coordinating resources that may be required to deal with Emergency Incidents that may affect the communities and infrastructure of the Island
- Co-ordination and Liaison at Silver and Gold Command during any Emergency Incident
- Liaising with the Airport Authority to assist with emergency planning, training and exercising in order to meet airport licensing requirements
- Provide advice on business continuity planning
The Emergency Planning Department is located within the Sea Rescue Base at Rupert’s Bay.
Contact Numbers
- Emergency: 999
- Office: (290) 25052
- Radio (VHF Channel 16) Call Sign: Sierra 1