Why live, work, invest and visit St Helena?
As a developing island, St Helena offers a unique opportunity for you to establish and grow your business.
The British Overseas Territory, located in the South Atlantic Ocean, is on a journey to become a globally-connected destination with a vibrant tourism sector and digital economy. One of the remotest islands on Earth, St Helena is subtropical, extremely safe and boasts a pristine terrestrial and marine environment.
With low levels of crime, no corruption, and links to the English Law system, the island is an ideal place for enterprise and investment across a broad range of sectors.
St Helena uses the English language and British Pound Sterling (as well as the St Helena Pound).
Property rental and purchase prices are excellent value; and relatively inexpensive labour means your investment can go further.

St Helena’s infrastructure makes the island an ideal location for investment:
- Air access since 2017;
- Modernising Company Registry;
- Landing of Google’s Equiano fibre optic undersea internet cable (August 2021) and subsequently enhanced telecommunications
- Record of political stability.
Due to the above factors and more, St Helena holds a BBB- (stable) credit rating by S&P, which deems the island investment-worthy.
Corporate and Self-Employment tax incentives
In line with the island’s Sustainable Economic Development Strategy (SEDS) , various incentives are available for new or expanding enterprises, within certain sectors, that benefit the economy of St Helena.
To promote exports and encourage business activity in sectors where supply is not already saturated, a Corporation Tax reduction from 25% to 15% has been applied to goods and services directly exported (i.e. bought and used abroad).
Targeted investment sectors for economic development:
- Fishing and fish processing
- Tourism
- High-value Agriculture
- Professional services and remote working
- Digital Infrastructure
- Film Location
Because Corporation Tax rates do not apply to self-employed persons, Self-Employment Tax rates have been reduced by 5% for the activities outlined above. (The Corporation Tax incentive is higher in magnitude than the Self-Employment Tax incentive to encourage incorporation of businesses.)
To benefit from these incentives, businesses/self-employed persons can declare income and costs relating to the above activities as part of their self-assessment tax returns. Businesses during the year should structure accounts to track individual costs and revenues pertaining to tax-reduced activities in preparation for tax return submissions.
More information is available at https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/public-services/income-tax/ or within the Income Tax Ordinance.
Customs Duty incentives
St Helena’s Approved Investment Scheme gives investors access to Customs Duty incentives.
An Approved Investment is either a new enterprise or expansion of an existing enterprise; has a beneficial impact on the economy of St Helena; and is adequately financed. An investment is particularly encouraged if it meets the following objectives:
- Is sustainable economically, environmentally, and socially;
- Increases exports, increases and retains money on St Helena;
- Employs local people, where appropriately skilled staff are available;
- Adds to the range of products and services offered to residents and visitors;
- Offers value for money to St Helena Government in any case where grant funding and/or tax incentives are given.
More information is available within the Customs & Excise (Approved Investment) Regulations within the Customs & Excise Ordinance.
Register a company
St Helena has recently modernised its Company Registry Policy to provide you with a fair, transparent and competitive service.
To set up a company to do business on St Helena, please visit St Helena’s online company registry page
Local business support services are also available for assistance in registering your company.
Contact the Economic Development Team for assistance
St Helena Government’s Economic Development Team is responsible for ensuring development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The team works to manage income inequality, support industry that increases exports and reduces imports, and assist potential investors with the investment process.
To start your investment journey, or for more information, please send us an email at Invest@sainthelena.gov.sh.
To understand the eligibility of an investment for Customs Duty incentives, the answers to a number of questions will be inputted into an Investor Matrix that will output an estimate of the economic impact of the investment. This also provides evidence to support Approved Investment Scheme applications. To begin the application process you would be required to fill in the Investor Form.
Important links:
St Helena’s economic development plans have recently been reviewed. A new draft Sustainable Economic Development Strategy 2023 – 2033 is now available for public review. Once finalised, the SEDS will provide the overarching blueprint for developing the territory’s economy, and will replace the Sustainable Economic Development Plan 2018-2028 (SEDP).
Investor Prospectus St Helena is on a journey to becoming a globally connected green- and blue-island destination with increasing visitor numbers. As a developing island state, St Helena offers a unique opportunity for you to invest and benefit from being an early mover. The Investor Prospectus showcases available investment opportunities for Land, Property and Business Development.
Land and Buildings Disposable Policy and Land Development Control Plan This policy provide information on developable land and processes for development.