5 May 2014 | Comments
The Education and Employment Directorate is pleased to congratulate Mrs Mavis Brooks (‘Meggie’) and Miss Tania Yon (photos attached) on their achievements for passing their teaching courses through distance learning.
Meggie, a Higher Level Teaching Assistant in Pilling Primary School, was the first staff member to complete and pass her course which focused on Managing Behaviour at Level 2. Tania, an Early Years Teacher in Harford Primary School, studied the Early Years Foundation Stage at Level 3.
Speaking about her experience Meggie said:
“The course was very exciting for me as this was the first time I’d experienced studying through distance learning – I managed to complete this course in seven weeks instead of the year given.
“I feel that most of the modules covered were applicable as I have been exposed to some of these situations in classroom teaching. That is what made this course so much easier to understand and I was able to complete the assignments in less time than required.”
Tania said:
“Whilst some may see distance learning as additional work, for me it was an opportunity to further my knowledge and hopefully gain a qualification at the end. It is also pleasing for me to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the course.
“Distance Learning has opened a new gateway to learning for me. Through researching information for my assignments, it has made me more knowledgeable in certain areas that I hadn’t encountered before and this has made an impact on my teaching and learning as I can now put this into practice within the classroom.
“I am proud to have gained my qualification in EYFS at a Level 3 which is equivalent to an Advanced Diploma.”
Director of Education Colin Moore added:
“Meggie and Tania lead the way in demonstrating how all staff in the Directorate show that lifelong learning is not only what we believe in but what we practice. I am delighted to offer my personal congratulations to both of my colleagues.”
Studying through distance learning is an opportunity available to all staff within the Education and Employment Directorate to support their professional development. Since September 2012, 33 staff have enrolled on distance learning courses. For many staff, this is a new learning experience. Finding time for studies, in addition to the normal demands of a being a teacher, is a challenge but it is one that both Meggie and Tania faced and overcame.
5 May 2014