APRIL 2017

As part of their Neighbourhood Policing Programme, St Helena Police Officers will continue their ‘beat surgeries’ in various places around the Island throughout April 2017.

These surgeries are designed to take place in busy areas where it is easier for more people to attend (see dates & times below).

A questionnaire will also be available so people can tell the Police what concerns them most in their area. This will help the Police identify patterns which will then help them to develop a problem solving plan.

Beat Surgeries – Dates & Times





Saturday, 1 April 11am – 1pm The Market, Jamestown
Monday, 3 April 10am – 12 noon Longwood Supermarket
Friday, 7 April 12.30pm – 2pm Half Tree Hollow Supermarket
Saturday, 8 April 2pm – 3pm Thorpe’s Shop, Sandy Bay
Saturday, 8 April 3.15pm – 4pm Allsorts Shop, Sandy Bay
Monday, 10 April 10am – 12 noon Half Tree Hollow Clinic
Thursday, 13 April 10am – 12 noon The Hospital, Jamestown
Friday, 14 April 11.30am – 1.30pm The Canister, Jamestown
Saturday, 15 April 10am – 12 noon Rosemary Plain
Saturday, 15 April 12 noon – 1pm Blueman’s Field, St Paul’s
Friday, 21 April 1pm – 3pm Silver Hill Bar, Levelwood
Saturday, 22 April 10.30am – 12.30pm The Post Office, Jamestown
Friday, 28 April 7pm – 9pm Moonshines Bar, Blue Hill
Saturday, 29 April 2pm – 4pm Longwood Avenue

#StHelena #CommunityEngagement #StHelenaPolice #NeighbourhoodPolicing


27 March 2017



St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470