MEET THE ST HELENA CHEVENING ALUMNI – Dax Richards, St Helena Government Financial Secretary

The Chevening Secretariat is accepting applications for UK Government scholarships to study in the UK in 2018/2019.

Applications for Chevening Scholarships are open until next Tuesday, 7 November 2017, with applications to be submitted via:

Chevening Scholarships are awarded to individuals with demonstrable leadership potential who also have strong academic backgrounds.

St Helenian, Dax Richards, studied Accounting and Finance under the Chevening Scholarship Programme from the year 2000 at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

Among the many benefits of studying under the Chevening programme, Dax highlights the exposure to new skills, meeting new people and having the opportunity to experience a whole new and different way of life.

Dax said:

“The Chevening Scholarship is a great opportunity and I would definitely encourage potential scholars to apply. The experience can be life changing if you allow it to be and it provides you with valuable skills for your future professional development.”

For more information on the eligibility criteria and award specifications, please visit: or contact Sandra Sim on tel: 22308 or email:

Further information is also available at


31 October 2017


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