The Economic Development Committee (EDC) held its first meeting on Thursday, 7 September 2017.

The following matters were discussed on the Open Agenda:

An update was given by the Attorney General on the Fisheries Legislation. A sub-committee of the EDC was appointed last year to review all the Fisheries Legislation to incorporate a new licensing regime and also to take account of other changes. The Attorney General also reported that in March 2017 he had met in London with David Scutt (Marine Management) and Martin Collins (Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science) who has previously worked on St Helena.  Martin was working on the Blue Belt programme, which is funded by HMG following the commitment of many of the UKOTs (including St Helena) to create Marine Protected Areas in their marine areas.  The programme is funded by the UK Government to provide expertise to draft the new legislation.

The Terms of Reference for the Economic Development Committee were discussed and adopted after a number of amendments were made.

The monthly report from Enterprise St Helena was presented by Mr Robert Midwinter, Director of Policy Development & Social Enterprise.  Members noted a number of issues arising from this report including the recent success of the SA Airlink proving flight.  It also noted that SHG had published information about the air fares and that the much anticipated air service with Airlink would commence on Saturday, 14 October.  Members acknowledged the efforts of the Procurement Board in bringing the tender process for the commercial air service to a successful conclusion.

In the Closed Session, the Committee endorsed the SHG Digital Strategy to be referred to Executive Council for formal approval.

It was also decided that future meetings of the EDC would take place every fourth Wednesday of the month and that on occasion the times of the meeting would be varied to later in the day or evening to allow members of the public to attend – hopefully in larger numbers.

The Committee agreed that a summary of their meetings would be published soon after each meeting.

The Economic Development Committee comprises Councillors Lawson Henry (Chairperson), Cruyff Buckley (Deputy Chairperson) and members Gavin Ellick, Clint Beard and Christine Scipio O’Dean.  Non-voting members are the Financial Secretary, the Attorney General, the Chief Secretary, the Director of ENRD, the SHG Economist and the Chief Executive for Economic Development.  The Committee Secretary is Miss Anita Legg.

#StHelena #EconomicDevelopment #EDC

11 September 2017

St Helena Government Communications Hub

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