7 February 2018
The instruction prohibiting the landing and importation of poultry and poultry products originating from South Africa published as Gazette Notice No. 101 of 18 July 2017 is withdrawn with immediate effect.
This means, with the exception of ostrich products, all bird eggs, chilled and frozen raw meat, and chilled and frozen raw offal which were previously prohibited can now be imported to St Helena.
Due to the ongoing outbreak of Avian Influenza ‘bird flu’ in ostriches in South Africa and to prevent the introduction of the disease into St Helena, Governor Lisa Phillips has issued a Prohibition Notice, by virtue of section 55(1) of the Public Health Ordinance, 1939.
This is to prohibit, with immediate effect and until further notice, the landing and importation into St Helena of the following products originating, produced or packaged in, or imported from, South Africa:
- All ostrich eggs (whether fresh for consumption or fertilized for incubation)
- All raw ostrich meat
- All raw ostrich offal
Under section 55(2) of the Public Health Ordinance, 1939, any person who contravenes the provisions of this notice commits an offence and is liable to prosecution.
#StHelena #RestrictionsLifted #AvianInfluenza #ProhibitionNotice #OstrichProducts
7 February 2018