29 March 2017
A formal meeting of Legislative Council will take place tomorrow, Thursday 30 March 2017, at 10am in the Council Chamber. The meeting will be broadcast live via SAMS Radio 1.
The Order Paper for the meeting includes four Motions, three of which deals with two Bills and the Roll Over Budget, six Questions for oral reply and ten Sessional Papers.
The following Bills for Ordinances will be presented:
- Income Tax (Amendment) Bill
- Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill
The Roll Over Budget is necessary as confirmation has not yet been received from DFID as to the financial settlement for the next financial year.
Consequently, the Financial Secretary will not be making the customary budget speech that is made when the Appropriation Bill is presented. This will be done at a future meeting of LegCo, details of when, will be published as soon as possible.
The meeting will conclude with the customary Adjournment Debate, when Councillors will have the opportunity to raise various issues relating to St Helena.
A copy of the Bills for Thursday’s meeting can be found under the Public Consultations section on the Publications page of the SHG website at: https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/publications/
A copy of the Order Paper can be viewed at: https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Order-Paper-Day-3031-March-2017.pdf
#StHelena #FormalLegCo
29 March 2017