Legislative Council
St Helena is governed within a democratic system where the people of St Helena elect eligible members of the public to represent them in Legislative Council (LegCo). The St Helena Legislative Council comprises 12 Elected Members, a Speaker, a Deputy Speaker and the Attorney General who is an ex-officio Member of the Legislative Council. The Speaker and Deputy Speaker are elected to office by the 12 Elected Members following a General Election.An ex-officio Member of the Legislative Council may not vote.
The system of governance reflects a Ministerial system. A Chief Minister is selected by secret ballot from amongst the 12 Elected Members. The Chief Minister then recommends to the Governor the appointment of 4 Ministers and together they form the Executive Council which advises the Governor on strategic government policy. The Attorney General is an ex-officio Member of the Executive Council also and may not vote.
Legislative Council members are the Law Makers of St Helena and meet formally in ‘the House’ to discuss important issues affecting the people of St Helena and decide ways on how they can be addressed.
Councillors may be contacted directly (see full list here) or through the Legislative Office Team Leader/Clerk of Councils on email: anita.legg@sainthelena.gov.sh or telephone (00290) 22590.
Each Minister will exercise general direction and policy control over departments assigned to them subject to the policies of Government.
- Education, Skills & Employment & Central Support Service Chief Minister Julie Thomas
- Safety, Security & Home Affairs Portfolio, Minister Jeffrey Ellick
- Treasury & Economic Development Portfolio, Minister Mark Brooks
- Environment, Natural Resources & Planning Portfolio, Minister Christine Scipio
- Health and Social Care Portfolio, Minister Martin Henry