COVID-19 Related Activities – Expenditure March to July 2020

Covid-19 Related Activities (March-July 2020)

  • SHG publishes an analysis of spend on COVID-19 related activities between March and July 2020
  • A total of just over £1.5 million (£1,522,000) has been spent  
  • SHG appreciates the continued support of the UK Government

As part of St Helena’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic a number of preventative measures have been put in place to ensure that we are best placed to deal with the virus in the event it reaches the Island. 

In April 2020, St Helena Government (SHG) received positive news of an additional £2.5 million of budgetary support from the Department for International Development (DFID) for the Island’s preparations to mitigate COVID-19 impacts.

SHG has today published an analysis of spend on COVID-19 related activities between March and July 2020 – a total of just over £1.5 million (£1,522,000). 

A breakdown of this expenditure is summarised below and detailed on the attached infographic:

Bradley’s Camp Quarantine Facility and Operations

£678,000 has been spent to date on the refurbishment of Bradley’s Camp. Initially used to house overseas workers during the construction of St Helena Airport, the Camp has been transformed into a dual purpose medical and quarantine facility.

£147,000 has been spent on the running costs of the facility following new arrivals to the Island undergoing 14-days of compulsory quarantine. This includes Camp staff wages and salaries, security, catering, cleaning products and materials, telecommunications, utilities and general operating costs. These costs also account for when the facility is unoccupied.  

Maintaining Access to St Helena

£302,000 has been spent on three repatriation flights, two from the UK and one from South Africa. These flights were arranged to bring home St Helena and Ascension Island residents including medical referrals and carers in Pretoria.

Business Support

In March 2020, following the additional measures implemented by SHG to prevent COVID-19 from reaching the Island, Government approved support mechanisms for three months to reduce the burden on local businesses. A second phase of hardship support was introduced between July and September 2020 to keep people in the Hospitality sector on the Island in employment. £225,000 has been spent on Enforced Self-Isolation Support, Hardship Support and Business Closure Support packages.

Health Resources and Support Staff

The UK Government has provided funding, through the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund for additional medical staff to support St Helena’s COVID-19 preparedness. These posts are a Biomedical Scientist, Anaesthetist, Physiotherapist, General Doctor, five General Nurses and an Intensive Treatment Unit Nurse.

SHG has spent £45,000 on recruitment costs for these additional staff as well as additional Health support staff – Project Manager and Public Health Support Officer.

Equipment, Supplies & Services

£125,000 has been spent to date on additional medical equipment including four ventilators, a Flu Pod for the General Hospital, Personal Protective Equipment and Medical Supplies.

Separate funds have also been spent on bolstering the stock of pharmaceuticals on-Island in order to treat patients if the virus reaches the Island.

The UK Government has also provided medical supplies including a ventilator and ancillaries, COVID-19 testing equipment and a Blood Gas machine to the value of £119,000.

SHG appreciates the continued support of the UK Government in helping us mitigate the impact of this Pandemic on St Helena.

#StHelena #Coronavirus #COVID-19 #AltogetherHealthier


25 August 2020

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470