3 August 2016 | Comments
A final draft of the Rupert’s Valley Development Plan (RVDP) is now out for public consultation as per Regulation 3(2) of the Land Planning and Development Control (Development Plans) Regulations, 2013.
The draft Plan affects anyone living or working in Rupert’s and any person with a legal interest in affected land or commercial or personal interest in the future of freight operations serving St Helena. It is important to build as much consensus as possible about the future of Rupert’s Valley and your participation in plan preparation and comments are important.
The final draft Plan may be examined at the Office of the Chief Planning Officer, Essex House, Jamestown, the Customer Services Centre, Public Library and Tommy Benjamin’s shop in Rupert’s. It is also available on the SHG website under the Public Consultation section of the Publications page: https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/publications/
Public meetings to discuss the final draft Plan will also take place on the following evenings starting at 7pm:
Tuesday, 9 August 2016 – St Michael’s Church, Rupert’s
Thursday, 11 August 2016 – The Museum, Jamestown
Any person wishing to make any comments with regard to any of the proposals contained in the final draft Plan may do so before Friday 30 September 2016. Written representations must be sent to the Chief Planning Officer at the following address:
Chief Planning Officer
Planning and Building Division
Essex House
The RVDP is a subject plan (or single issue plan) prepared in response to the decision to site a new wharf at Rupert’s and base new freight operations there. The new Plan once adopted will replace the provision made to Rupert’s Valley in the 2012 Land Development Control Plan and it will be used as a development management tool to inform the decisions reached by the Land Development Control Authority. It will also be used to guide detailed design work to prepare ground for container marshalling and handling, but it is not a detailed site layout. A detailed design and specification will be prepared by a specialist port design consultant.
Implementation of the Plan, following adoption, will affect how land and buildings can be used, promote land for particular kinds of development and also impose planning restrictions to support the orderly development – in the public interest.
3 August 2016