27 June 2016 | Comments
Waste Management Services has been working on efficient and sustainable processes to manage and reduce the issue of flies and maggots in wheelie bins. This has included:
- Implementing twice-weekly emptying of communal domestic waste bins in Jamestown, followed by bin sanitation
- Increasing the number of litter bins in Jamestown and rural areas
- Replacing old orange street litter bins with brown wheelie bins where possible. This provides greater waste capacity with a lidded bin to reduce fly access to waste
- Implementing a regular litter bin sanitation programme
- Providing advice for effective waste management and bin hygiene
Over the next few weeks Waste Management Services will check all domestic and communal wheelie bins to identify those which are particularly attracting flies or are badly infested with maggots. Owners of those bins identified as causing an environmental nuisance will then be contacted and provided with advice on bin hygiene.
Waste Management Services wishes to remind domestic and commercial customers that they have a role to play in reducing opportunities for fly and maggot infestation.
Good Bin Hygiene
- At the end of your daily washing-up, please rinse out plastic packaging and tins and cans which have contained food. This will minimise smells – it is the liquid at the bottom of a bin that attracts flies
- Tie all waste securely in plastic bags and double bag items such as meat, fish and nappies
- Solids from disposable nappies should be emptied into the toilet before being double-bagged and put in the bin
- Do not overload the bin and keep the lid firmly closed at all times
- After emptying please clean the inside of the bin and around the lid with soap and water to kill bacteria.
Waste Management Services are committed to working with the public for a cleaner and greener St Helena.
27 June 2016