26 April 2016 | Comments
April 2016
The Quarterly Statistical News Bulletin for April 2016, covers the period January to March 2016 and contains updates for the annual rate of Inflation of the Retail Price Index, high level economic updates, estimated population, arrivals and departures and an update from the 2016 Census. The bulletin is available on the SHG website at: www.sainthelena.gov.sh/statistics
Annual inflation of the St Helena Retail Price Index (RPI) stood at 0.7 per cent in Quarter 1 2016 – unchanged from the previous quarter. The major upwards pressures come from increases in Fuel and Food costs. Upwards pressures are partially mitigated by a number of price decreases, mainly as a result of an increasingly favourable exchange rate between the St Helena Pound and the South African Rand.
In the first calendar quarter of 2016, the number of people on-Island averaged 4,694 and the average St Helenian population was 4,220. Compared to the same period in 2015 this represents a 0.4 per cent (19 person) decrease in total population and a 2.2 per cent (91 person) increase in St Helenian population. With 40 births and 58 deaths in the year to date, net migration continues to be the largest driver of population change for the St Helenian resident population.
In the first half of financial year 2015/16, a 17 per cent increase in passenger arrivals to St Helena is noted. This is primarily an increase in short term visitors – tourists and those visiting the Island for business purposes.
The Statistics Office would like to thank the public for their participation in the 2016 Population & Housing Census on Sunday, 7 February. Collation and analysis continue with the first formal release of an official update scheduled for June 2016. Due to the high level of interest in updates on the St Helenian resident population, some preliminary results have been included in this statistical news bulletin. These are provisional figures which are expected to change following thorough checks and quality assurance of data.
This Statistical News Bulletin, along with other statistical reports, is available on the SHG website at: www.sainthelena.gov.sh/statistics
If you have requested a copy of this bulletin via email and have not yet received it, please contact the Statistics Office on 22138, or e-mail statistics@sainthelena.gov.sh
26 April 2015