15 August 2016 | Comments
The Economic Development Committee (EDC) held a special meeting today, Monday 15 August 2016, to consider the findings of the Media Review Sub-committee’s report, which had been conducted over a number of months.
A range of key stakeholders have presented evidence to the Sub-committee, which was set up to review media on St Helena.
Chairperson of the Media Review Sub-committee, Councillor Pamela Ward Pearce, said:
“During the course of the review we considered a wide range of topics including quality, value for money, funding, staffing & training, programming & coverage, and future development. We want to ensure that St Helena has media that is fit for the future.”
The Sub-committee presented a number of key principles to the EDC, which were accepted, and will now form the basis for discussions with all local media outlets over the coming weeks. It is anticipated that, following these discussions, Service Level Agreements will be drafted, with a proposed implementation date of 1 April 2017.
15 August 2016