17 May 2016 | Comments
As part of HE’s introductory programme, Governor Lisa Phillips recently visited the three Island Primary Schools and various parts of the Education Directorate.
Director of Education, Shirley Wahler, said:
“The children were very excited about the Governor’s visit to each of their schools, and by her interest in their work. A particular highlight for them was the opportunity to ask the Governor questions – and she was asked about everything from living in Plantation House to the role of technology in St Helena’s future. Staff and students alike enjoyed the opportunity to welcome her to their own schools.”
Governor Phillips added:
“I loved my visits to the schools. The questions the children asked me were very amusing, but I answered them all truthfully – apart from one – which was how old I was. I answered ‘29’ quick as a flash.
“The resourcefulness of the teachers was amazing. I heard that one of the main challenges though was recruiting and retaining teachers, despite the offer of increased salaries recently. This is such a shame and I’d like to understand more.
“Teaching is a rewarding vocation and we should be finding ways for more to take these roles.”
17 May 2016