9 November 2016 | Comments
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Roads Section would like to advise the public that the road from New Ground to White Wall will continue to be closed on Thursday 10 November and Friday 11 November 2016 between 6am and 6pm.
This extended closure is due to urgent extra repair works needing to be undertaken. Residents in this area will be contacted by staff of the Roads Section regarding access to their homes. All other road users are asked to divert through Sapper Way during these road closures.
Anyone requiring further information on these road closures should contact the Roads Supervisor, Peter Moyce, at the Roads Depot, Donkey Plain on Tel No: 23640 or via email: roads.supervisor1@helanta.co.sh
The Roads Section would like to thank the public for their continued support and co-operation.
9 November 2016