Executive Council met today with four items on the Open Agenda.

The first item related to a request for ExCo to support an initiative to start working on a Freedom of Information Bill, Data Protection Bill and a Public Records Bill as part of an ‘Open Government’ programme that provides for citizens to have access to public records, and to facilitate Government accountability. Noting that legislation will build on the existing Code of Practice for Public Access to SHG Information, Members agreed that legislation should be drafted and that it be taken forward by a sub-committee of the Social & Community Development Committee, with a view to enactment during the first half of 2017. 

For the next three items Executive Council sat as the Planning Authority to consider three applications for Development Permission. The Senior Planning Assistant was in attendance to provide Members with the relevant background and planning considerations.

The first application was for full Development Permission for the construction of a sewerage treatment plant at Rupert’s.  Members had previously visited the site and following some discussion, Council was able to approve the application for full Development Permission with conditions, for the construction of a chamber to house two treatment plants adjacent to Rupert’s Lines between the bridge leading to the Argos building and the toilets/entrance to the beach area.

The second application was for outline Development Permission for expansion of the solar farm. This application had come to Council in an earlier meeting and had been deferred pending a site visit by Members.  Whilst the original application had sought outline permission for phases 2, 3 and 4 of the solar farm, Council agreed only to proceed with phase 2 which would see the installation of additional solar panels to increase the current renewable energy supply from 30% to 40%.  It was noted that a power generation feasibility study would be undertaken to see what other renewable energy solutions could be implemented across the Island. ExCo approved the application with conditions. 

The third application concerned the relocation of a steel building from Jamestown to the Farm Buildings complex.  It was noted that this application had also been presented at an earlier meeting and that Members had attended a site visit.  Following discussion, Members agreed that further clarity was needed and that the applicant’s attendance was required.  Council therefore agreed that the matter be adjourned for two weeks when additional information would be available to enable Council to make a better informed decision. 

In the Closed Session, Council was provided with an update on progress against the Performance Improvement Programme for the Capital Programme.  It was noted that targets for 31 August 2016 had generally been met. 

The meeting closed at around 1.15pm.


6 September 2016



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