19 September 2016 | Comments
Following a review of use of the Public Transport Service since the expanded service commenced on Tuesday 1 March 2016, the public is advised that with effect from Saturday, 1 October 2016, there will be some minor changes to the public transport routes operated by Joshua’s Taxis.
These changes are:
Route B
- Monday – Friday – 08:04 journey from White Wall to Jamestown will travel via Cow Path
- Saturday night – new journey into Jamestown from White Gate via White Wall, departing at 23:10
- Saturday night / early hours Sunday morning – departing at 01:45 from Jamestown, will travel as far as White Gate via White Wall, New Ground, Cleugh’s Plain and Rosemary Plain and then return to Jamestown
Route C
- Saturday evening – the journey departing Jamestown at 01:30 will no longer be provided, however, customers for Levelwood can travel on route A to Hutts Gate and then transfer to route C for Levelwood
- Daily journey at 07:05 from Levelwood to Ladder Hill, will commence at 07:00
- Monday to Friday at 17:00 from Ladder Hill to Levelwood – this journey will now commence in Jamestown at 17:00
- New Route – Monday to Friday journey from Longwood Avenue to Jamestown, commencing 16:35
- New daily travel opportunity – departing Ladder Hill at 07:55, to the Golf Club via Halley’s Mount
Routes C & D will amalgamate due to extremely low numbers of customers on Route D to date. This will not result in any change in the frequency or times of daily journeys to and from Levelwood to Longwood (Golf Club).
The new Public Transport timetables can be viewed at the following link: https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Bus-timetables-booklet-effective-01.10.2016-1.pdf
19 September 2016