10 December 2015 | Comments
The Wass Inquiry Report into Allegations Surrounding Child Safeguarding Issues on St Helena and Ascension Island was today published by the UK Government.
SHG thanks everyone who contributed to the process and reassures the public that the support that was established earlier this year remains available should you have any issue at all as a result of the publication of the report.
Options available include:
1. On-Island counsellor Jenny Stephenson is keeping sessions free between 4-6pm on a Wednesday, specifically for people affected by the Wass report. People can access this by dropping in or contacting her on 22713 or by email counsellor.safeguarding@helanta.co.sh
2. The Mental Health team is also happy to take referrals should this be required. They can be contacted on tel no. 22593.
3. The Samaritans provide 24hr a day 7 days a week confidential telephone support on free tel: 20000.
Other useful contact telephone numbers include:
Safeguarding Services SHG 22713
Human Rights Office (Catherine Turner) St Helena Human Rights 22133
SHCDO (Liz Johnson) SHCDO 22791
Salvation Army (Coral Yon) Salvation Army 22703
Police (Pam Trevillion) SHG 22722
Education (Penny Bowers) SHG 24290
Church (Father Dale) Church 22663
10 December 2015