The Education & Employment Directorate has this month launched a Training Needs Assessment Survey to gather information on the training needs of organisations on St Helena.

This survey aims to highlight the training needs of private sector companies and the public sector on an organisational level both for the forthcoming academic year and future years.  The results of the survey will be used to inform the formulation of the training plan for St Helena and to further the development of training provision going forward.

Assistant Director, Lifelong Learning, Kerry Yon, said:

“Many people might not realise all of the training programmes that we have on offer in the Directorate or the range of internationally-accredited qualifications that can be made available through both academic and vocational routes.

“Instead of trying to anticipate what organisations might need on the Island, we are asking them to help us define this by completing this survey. 

“Employers completing the survey are asked to give an estimate of the numbers of employees requiring training and to let us know if they are able to assist in the development of our training offer.  The information collated will assist us in focusing our resources and reducing gaps between the employee’s skills and the actual needs of the private and public sectors.  In all of this we are looking to support the sustainable economic development of St Helena.”

The Training Needs Assessment survey can be completed electronically via the St Helena Government website at: or you can link to it directly at:

Hard copies of the survey are also available from the Public Library and Post & Customer Service Centre.  All forms whether electronically or paper-based must be completed by Friday 25 September 2015. 


2 September 2015


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