In July 2014, as part of the lead up to air access to the Island, the need for an Island map showing the new Airport and Access Road was identified. The existing map is now 25 years old, and even excluding the extensive changes to the Airport site at Prosperous Bay Plain, there have been enough developments on the Island during this time that the map is out of date and unsuitable for purpose.

As part of the map update, the GIS Section is reviewing what else might have changed, what is new and what might be missing.

An Open Day was held in March allowing the public to contribute to these amendments, asking opinions on changes and showcasing some potential designs. Following feedback, the consultation period has been extended until the end of June, and if anyone has any suggestions on amendments or additions to the map, please get in contact with the GIS Team. The team are particularly interested in any historical and potential near future changes. A further consultation period will be held around September when the first draft appears.

To get in contact, call Essex House on 22270, post suggestions to Essex House, or email or


19 May 2015



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