6 October 2015 | Comments
Team of the Month

The Report It, Sort It initiative was mobilised with SHG employees on Friday 17 July 2015 and officially launched on Monday 20 July 2015. The scheme allows members of the public to report minor faults with SHG services to a dedicated SHG service and officer.
For the period July and August, the Report It, Sort It service dealt with over twenty reports, with just under 80 % of those being issues for the Roads Section within the Environmental & Natural Resources Directorate. The Roads Section acted swiftly in following through all reports, and as a thank you for their hard work a small presentation was held on 1 October 2015 to congratulate the team.
Acting Assistant Chief Secretary (Support), Carol George, said:
“The Roads Section of ENRD has responded positively to all of the Report It Sort It matters that have been referred for action and is the first group of employees to be awarded the ‘Team of the Month’ plaque. I am sure the team will continue to demonstrate 100% commitment to the Report It Sort It service and I congratulate the group for all of their efforts so far.”

Members of the public who have identified an issue with SHG services can report problems by:
- Visiting the Castle and speaking to Carol George, Acting Assistant Chief Secretary
- Calling the dedicated phone number 25252 between 8.30am and 4pm (leaving a message outside office hours)
- Completing the form on the SHG website at https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/report-it-sort-it/ or
- Sending an e-mail to: customer.relations@sainthelena.gov.sh
6 October 2015