31 July 2015 | Comments
2015 Quarter 2
The Quarterly Statistical News Bulletin for August 2015, covers the period April to June 2015 (Q2 2015) and contains updates for the Annual Rate of Inflation of the Retail Price Index, High-Level Economic Updates, Vehicles on St Helena, Estimated Population, Arrivals and Departures, feedback from the Statistics Office, User Satisfaction Survey and an update on the 2016 Census regarding the Questionnaire consultation.
Annual Inflation of the St Helena Retail Price Index (RPI) stood at 2.2 per cent in Quarter 2 2015 – a decrease in the annual rate of growth of 0.6 percent compared to the last quarter. The major upwards pressures are an increase in Fuel tariffs and also the overall price increase on Food items. Overall price decreases in the Transport category create a significant downwards pressure, partially mitigating other price increases.
In the second calendar quarter of 2015, the number of people on Island averaged 4,614 and the average St Helenian population was 4,078. Compared to the same period in 2015, this represents a 4.2 per cent increase in total population.
In financial year 2014/15, an increase in passenger movements, both arrivals and departures, through St Helena was noted. This is primarily an increase in short term visitors, tourists and Saints resident overseas.
Feedback from the 2015 User Satisfaction Survey was encouraging – suggesting an increase in both the use of and demand for Official Statistics for St Helena. The biggest perceived improvement over the last year has been in the accessibility of statistical outputs – the ease of finding, interpreting and making use of statistical information and data.
In addition to requests to improve the range of outputs, particularly indicators of social and economic wellbeing, the Statistics Office needs to focus on improving the timeliness of outputs – the speed at which information is released, and to continue to improve ease of access and practical use of these outputs.
Interested parties are asked to review the proposed topics for the Questionnaire to be used in the 2016 Population and Housing Census. Please let us know if you have comments or suggestions of topics to be included or revised. This consultation is being co-ordinated by Senior Statistics Assistant, Justine Joshua, who is on hand to answer any questions you might have.
This Statistical News Bulletin, along with other statistical reports, is available on the SHG website at: www.sainthelena.gov.sh/statistics
If you have requested a copy of this bulletin via email and have not yet received it, please contact the Statistics Office on 22138, or e-mail statistics@sainthelena.gov.sh
31 July 2015