3 February 2015 | Comments
Executive Council met today, Tuesday 3 February 2015, and welcomed the Honourable Derek Thomas to the meeting, following his election to ExCo at the last formal Legislative Council meeting.
There was one item for discussion on the Open Agenda which was a request for approval of the United Nations Development Project (UNDP) funded proposal, tackling domestic abuse. The UNDP have agreed, due to our successful delivery of earlier projects, that consideration be given to St Helena from any surplus that is generated. Approval was given for just over £40,000, to be used to provide suitable and safe accommodation for victims of domestic abuse. Executive Council was pleased to approve the planned project which has to be completed before 31 December 2015.
An application was presented for customs duty exemption and Executive Council referred to their earlier decisions that the Investment Tax Credit should be used. The application was therefore declined.
Under Any Other Business it was noted that following a lengthy and detailed presentation to Legislative Council on Friday 30 January 2015, by the Chief Executive Officer of Connect Saint Helena Ltd, concerning the current discontent with the water shortages and water discolouration, ExCo recognised that these issues would need to addressed when prioritising the Capital programme for 2015/16.
The meeting ended at 10.10am.
3 February 2015