30 July 2015 | Comments
The RMS St Helena did not enter Dry Dock in Cape Town yesterday afternoon as had been planned, due to high winds, which impacted most port operations. As the weather has improved today, the RMS was due to move into the dry dock around 11.00hrs GMT.
This obviously represents a further delay in her Cape Town schedule, which will impact on her forward programme. As the ship is now unlikely to come out of dry dock until Tuesday 4 August 2015 (in the evening), it is planned that she will embark passengers on Wednesday 5 August – two days later than originally programmed – then sail after loading cargo on Thursday 6 August. The estimated date of arrival at St Helena is therefore Tuesday 11 August.
Passengers will be contacted about this delay and, where appropriate, hotel accommodation will be offered in Cape Town from Monday until embarkation on Wednesday.
AWSML will work on the RMS’s forward programme once a firm sailing time from Cape Town is set – and announce this information as soon as possible. Further amended arrangements for passengers may then need to be made, depending on port call dates.
For further information at this stage, passengers can either contact their booking agent, or:
- Andrew Weir Ship Management (UK), tel : (0044) (0) 20 7575 6480, or e-mail: reservations@awsml.co.uk
- Andrew Weir Shipping (SA), tel: (0027) (0) 21 425 1165, or e-mail: sthelenaline@mweb.co.za
- Solomon and Co (St Helena), tel: (00290) 22523, or e-mail: reservations@solomons.co.sh
- Ascension Island Government, tel: (00247) 66244, or e-mail: travel@ascension.gov.ac
30 July 2015