St Helena’s first comprehensive piece of environmental legislation was released for public consultation on 15 September 2015.

The draft Environmental Protection Ordinance deals with the protection of St Helena’s environment, including the conservation of biodiversity, the control of pollution, waste and litter, consideration of environmental impacts in decision-making and environmental monitoring.

The Environmental Protection Ordinance has been developed over the past four years and includes stakeholder input given prior to legal drafting.  We now invite comments on the final draft version by Friday 9 October 2015.

In order to increase awareness of the policy, conduct wider discussions and share ideas, two public meetings are set to be held in order to gather additional public input.

Public Meetings are due to be held at the following times and locations:

  • Wednesday 30 September, 7pm at the Longwood Community Centre 
  • Tuesday 6 October, 7pm at the Half Tree Hollow Community Centre 

Anyone requiring transport to the public meetings are asked to contact the receptionist at Essex House at 22270.


24 September 2015


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