20 October 2015 | Comments
At its meeting on 15 October 2015, the Environment & Natural Resources Committee agreed that with effect from Monday 26 October 2015, until further notice, the Horse Point Landfill Site (HPLS) will operate under new opening and closing times as follows:
- Open – Monday to Saturday, 9am to 3pm
- Closed – Sundays and Public Holidays
On Mondays to Fridays HPLS will be accessible via both the public and commercial entrances, as signposted.
On Saturdays, HPLS will only be accessible via the public entrance. Access to the main site may be provided by the Landfill Operator, depending on the type of waste to be disposed, via the barrier at the Public Recycling Facility.
Site users are requested to kindly follow instructions given by the Landfill Operator.
Waste Management Services is committed to providing a safe and user friendly recycling and disposal facility for the benefit of all residents.
For further information, please contact the Environmental Risk Manager, Mike Durnford, on tel: 24724 or email mike-durnford@enrd.gov.sh.
20 October 2015