11 February 2015 | Comments
A Bye-election to fill the vacant seat on Legislative Council (following the recent resignation of Ian Rummery on 8 January) will take place on Wednesday 4 March 2015.
To stand for election to Legislative Council or vote in the Bye-election your name must be on the Register of Electors printed in the Extraordinary Gazette Notice, No. 10, dated 4 February 2015.
The last day and time for receiving Nominations to elect a Member to fill the vacant seat on Legislative Council is 12 noon on Wednesday 18 February 2015 and all nominations should be delivered within this time to the Returning Officer, Mrs Gillian Francis, at the Castle, Jamestown.
Nomination forms are available from Corporate Support at the Castle and the Assistant Registration Officers in the different districts around the Island. Don’t leave it until the last minute to submit your nomination.
Further information on nominating a candidate was issued in last week’s newspapers.
If more than one valid nomination is received, a Poll will be taken on Wednesday 4 March 2015, at the following Polling Stations:
- Blue Hill Community Centre
- Half Tree Hollow Clinic
- Harford Community Centre
- St Mary’s Church, the Briars
- Kingshurst Community Centre
- Levelwood Community Centre
- Jamestown Community Centre, and
- Sandy Bay Community Centre
Returning Officer, Gillian Francis urges the electorate to participate in the upcoming Bye-Election. She said:
“It is important that the vacant seat on Legislative Council is filled by someone who you feel will best represent you and the Island. Make sure your nomination form is properly completed and returned before 12 noon on 18 February 2015.”
10 February 2015