9 September 2015 | Comments
At the Executive Council Meeting on 25 August 2015, a new policy was approved – the Better Life Allowance. This new policy forms part of the Sainsbury Review recommendations covered in the 2014 Budget Speech.
Importantly, this new allowance no longer forms part of the Island’s poverty assessment – and is therefore paid over and above other benefits.
The Better Life Allowance replaces the old disability pension and is designed to
cover additional costs that disability can often incur. Individuals will be independently assessed on their disability and graded against a set of criteria.
The following four new ratings for allowances came into force on 1 September 2015:
- Low, £10
- Moderate, £15
- High, £35
- Severe, £60
All residents who are either on the disability register or receive the old pension have now been assessed and the new policy has been explained to them.
9 September 2015