5 October 2015 | Comments
The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) is open for applications – including to St Helena residents – for a Scholarship in the United Kingdom from October 2016.
The CSC aims to contribute to the UK’s International development and wider overseas interests, supporting excellence in the UK higher education sector and sustaining Commonwealth values.
Scholarships are offered to citizens of selected Commonwealth countries, and applications are invited from those who can demonstrate strong relevance to their educational development and career aspirations. Approximately 900 such scholarships are awarded each year.
Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships in the UK are funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills of the UK and Scottish governments – in conjunction with UK universities.
Initial letters of application should be sent to the Scholarship Awards Committee, via the Secretary, Education Learning Centre (eoadmin@education.gov.sh) by no later than Friday 23 October 2015.
The Awards Committee is the official nominating body for the Scholarships, and will decide on a possible suitable nomination based on the set criteria – which can be found at www.dfid.gov.sh/cscuk.
SHG 5 October 2015