7 January 2014 | Comments
To commemorate the dedicated and loyal service of two long serving St Helena Police Officers, a Special Medal Presentation was held at Police Headquarters on Friday 27 December 2013.
Chief of Police, Trevor Botting, was honoured to present, to Sergeant Anthony Clingham, the Clasp and Silver Rosette in recognition of 30 years of loyal service to the St Helena Police. The Clasp and Rosette is an additional award to the Long Service Good Conduct Medal which is presented after 18 years of loyal service.
Inspector Jonathan Thomas was presented with the Long Service Good Conduct Medal for his loyal and dedicated service of 18 years.
Both Officers Clingham and Thomas (picture attached) have served the communities of Ascension Island and St Helena over their years of policing and the awards presented were a credit to both. The Chief of Police congratulated both Officers and thanked them for their long and loyal service, wishing them well for the future.
The presentation took place in the presence of family members and colleagues and was followed by light refreshments.
Police Directorate
7 January 2014