8 August 2014 | Comments
As part of the on-going road maintenance program, the Highways Authority has given approval for the road from New Bridge to The Briars junction to be closed for an initial period of 15 weeks, starting on Monday 18 August 2014. The closure will be for 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, weather permitting.
Residents and businesses living and working within the proposed road closure will still have access to their homes and workplace at all times. Access will be from one end of the road or the other, depending on how work is progressing at the time.
Emergency Services will be permitted access as required, and the road might be open on weekends, depending on progress on the route.
The Roads Team apologises in advance for the inconvenience.
Enquiries about this work can be made on telephone number 23640, during normal working hours.
8 August 2014