26 May 2014 | Comments
The public is reminded that while construction works continue at the Wharf, the area will be open to pedestrians only between the hours of 16.00 & 08.30 Monday to Friday and from 16.00 Friday to 08.30 Monday. There will be restricted access to vehicles, and a barrier will be in place at the start of the construction works, adjacent to the freight terminal.
Authorised users only will be able to drop off/pick up equipment (e.g. diving equipment, fishing tackle etc) at the lower steps – before returning their vehicle to the area beyond the barrier. No vehicle at any time can be left parked on the Wharf between the construction site and the landing steps – this area will need to be kept clear in the event of an emergency.
Port management would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in advance for their continued co-operation.
26 May 2014