14 November 2014 | Comments

The Lifelong Learning Awards Ceremony was held on Thursday, 13 November 2014 at the Education Learning Centre. Awards went to individuals who participated and completed the Livelihoods Programme, Apprenticeship Scheme and NVQs in Customer Service, Crop Production, Health and Social Care, Environmental Conservation, Land Based and Business Administration. A Bachelors Degree in Business and Administration was also presented.
Speeches were made by Director of Education, Colin Moore who thanked those in attendance for their commitment to lifelong learning – to never feeling satisfied on what has been achieved but continuing to pursue development opportunities. Colin also thanked those in the room who have encouraged training, supporting awardees and setting targets – without support from managers the Island would not progress.
Work Development Coordinator, Cynthia Bennett, said:
“Today we are making history, celebrating the first certificates presented for the Apprenticeship Scheme. The programme exceeded our expectations as, instead of the expected 20, over 40 people were recruited and achieved vocational and functional skills accreditation.”

Assistant Director of Lifelong Learning, Kerry Yon, spoke of the Bachelors Degree recipient:
“Back in 2010 we advertised the opportunity for business bursary which was available as a distance learning opportunity with the management college of South Africa. Joey George was one of six persons originally applying for the opportunity and now after three intense years of study, alongside full-time work, I am pleased to recognise Joey as the first of four students to achieve her Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Administration.”
NVQ Quality Assurance Coordinator, Joyce Duncan, highlighted that awardees should not stop at their certificates but continue to develop and push themselves in their respective fields.

14 November 2014