21 August 2014 | Comments
It was brought to the attention of SHG on Wednesday 20 August 2014 that a section of fuel line used for the movement of fuel from the tanker to the fuel tanks in Rupert’s – was damaged. The affected area is directly behind the beach area.
Ben Sansom from the Environment and Natural Resources Directorate reported:
“We have been on site since last night supporting all organisations who responded to the incident. The affected section of fuel line has been isolated and we are ensuring that fuel operations continue at Rupert’s.
“Last night we excavated an area of polluted soil which has been stockpiled at the landfill site for remediation. ENRD is providing technical support to Solomons and we are fully investigating any wider environmental impact. We will continue to monitor the situation with the contractor.”
Investigations are ongoing as to the volume of fuel which has been lost as a result of the leakage but the public are assured there is no impact on fuel supplies on the Island. The next delivery of fuel to the Island is scheduled in early November and there is plenty of fuel on the Island to cover this period.
St Helena Government, Basil Read and Solomons are working together to ensure public safety and resolve any outstanding environmental concerns. Lower Rupert’s and the Rupert’s Wharf area are already closed until further notice to rectify the situation and for offloading operations of the NP Glory 4 ship.
The public are reminded that if they see or are concerned about any pollution problem on the Island, they should immediately contact the Pollution hotline on tel: 22790 to make a report.
21 August 2014