21 August 2013 | Comments
The public are advised that with effect from 21 August until 9 September 2013, the Outpatients Clinic in Jamestown will run at a reduced capacity. This has been brought about by changes in staffing levels.
The new arrangements mean that there will be16 less appointments in Jamestown per day (Monday to Friday) and the usual 12 Jamestown Outpatient Clinics (held Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4pm) will be reduced to 7. There will be no late clinic (4-6pm) today and next Wednesday.
Outpatient Clinics in Levelwood, Longwood and Half Tree Hollow are unaffected and the Emergency appointments and the Triage system will operate as normal.
A new GP will arrive in early September and Outpatients Clinics should return to normal thereafter. In the meantime the public are encouraged to book appointments early.
We thank the public in advance for their cooperation.
21 August 2013