16 July 2013 | Comments
Paula Swain (picture attached) arrived on St Helena on 14April 2013 to work in Internal Audit. Paula came to the Island as part of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee programme for an exposure visit to gain experience in a new field of work.

Internal Audit provides independent and objective assurance to St Helena Government that its governance, risk management and internal control frameworks are operating effectively. The section looks beyond financial risks and consider wider risk implications such as St Helena Government’s reputation, employment relationships, continuity, quality of services and legislative compliance.
Up until now, Paula has learnt the standard procedures in Internal Auditing, where she commented that her work has been more word based compared to her previous job, as an Accounting Clerk on Tristan Da Cuna.
Paula said:
“St Helena has far more people than Tristan, which has a population of two hundred and seventy. The working population is around 200. There is no Internal Audit, so this is a totally new experience for me. This exposure will help me gain essential auditing skills, which will allow me to use many of them in the office on my return.”
Paula has been offering support to her fellow Internal Auditors and has so far, assisted in the completion of one assignment. When Paula leaves the Island in a few months, accompanied by her family, she will spend 6 weeks on Cape Town, until making the final trip of seven days to Tristan.
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee fund works with experts from around the Commonwealth to develop a programme that can maximise an individual’s potential – providing the investment required to build and share skills, knowledge and experience – giving people the opportunity to shape their own future, their communities and the Commonwealth as a whole.
15 July 2013