29 July 2013 | Comments
Entries are invited from the age of 10 years and upwards. Images submitted must not be given to any other organisation on or off the Island to use for publicity.
Subject, categories and numbers of images
All images must be of St Helena. There are no set categories, but all images of people, places, wildlife and scenery should capture the sights, atmosphere and culture of the Island.
Image ownership and copyright
All entries must be the original work of the entrant and must not infringe the rights of any other party. The entrants must be the sole owner of copyright in all photographs entered and must have obtained permission of any parents/guardians if children under 16 are featured plus any other relevant third party permissions. Further, entrants must not have breached any laws when taking their photographs. Winning images will be displayed on the St Helena Government Website and may be used, without charge in publicity and advertising by SHG, at SHG’s sole discretion.
Images submitted for judging must be on CDs placed in an envelope accompanying a description of the picture, date taken, photographer’s name, age and contact details and addressed to Ian Jones, Chief Public Relations Officer, 1 Main Street.
Editing and manipulation
Photo-editing software (such as Adobe Photoshop) may be used to edit images. If an image consists of composite elements from more than one file or image, all parts should be the sole work of the photographer, with no third party involvement.
Deadline for entries
The closing date for applications is Wednesday 31 July 2013, before 4pm.
Judging panel
The judging panel will consist of photographers experts from a range of specialisms and experience.
Prizes will be awarded for first (£150), second (£75) and third (£50) in the age categories of 10 – 15 yrs, 16 – 21 yrs and 22 and over.