20 September 2013 | Comments
SHG is preparing the documentation for Basil Read to redevelop the Horse Point landfill site. This is an important component of the Airport Project. The redevelopment will reduce the bird strike risk to aircraft by preventing the exposure of organic waste, which is a food source for birds. This will also extend the life of the site.
This contract has been agreed under the Single-Sourcing (Basil Read) arrangement, the basis of which is:
- There should be no impact on delivery of the Airport Project, or additional risk
- Only large or specialist projects should be considered
- Projects which deliver benefits to the airport project will be prioritised
Additionally, and in order for the airport to meet certification requirements and be allowed to operate, any airport construction works must meet stringent safety and quality assurance standards. Under the Airport Project, Basil Read is already required to operate to BS EN ISO 9001 (or 9002 as appropriate) international construction standards.
Given the urgency of the timescales and certification issues linked to the airport the regulations were waived in relation to this project. However all future projects using Basil Read through a Single-Source arrangement must firstly seek approval from the SHG Procurement Board, in line with the Procurement Regulations. The project has been fully endorsed and approved by DfID.
As the certification process is likely to start at the end of this year, there is also a tight deadline for completion of the redevelopment of the landfill site. Basil Read has the technical expertise, the economies of scale, the plant, a proven supply chain and the necessary internationally recognised quality standards to undertake the complexities of this large scale project.
The landfill site redevelopment, under the solid waste management strategy, includes a waste reception building, the excavation of waste cells, the installation of specialist bird netting to cover waste cells, a civic amenity re-cycling facility, methods of preventing groundwater contamination, means for monitoring landfill gas, surface water drainage systems, and improvements to the internal roads to ensure all weather access. In addition, Basil Read are able to use spoil from their construction sites to restore the areas of the landfill site that are currently used for waste disposal, as well as areas that are blighted by surface litter.
The Environmental Management Division has been working with SLR Consulting, a specialist waste management and civil engineering company (who were involved in the development of the Solid Waste Management Strategy) for technical support, design and contract cost assurance.
Horse Point landfill will continue to operate throughout the redevelopment works to ensure that there is no disruption to the current solid waste collection and disposal service however public access may be restricted and this will be communicated accordingly.
The Project Manager for the Solid Waste Management Project is Mike Durnford, EMD’s Manager of Environmental Risk (Designate). The Project Manager for the construction phase is Bill Scanes. Bill was appointed through an open process of Expressions of Interest, Formal Application, Evaluation and Selection. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience amassed from various projects around the world including the UK, Falkland Islands, South Africa, Libya and the Philippines. Notably Bill was employed as the Chief Engineer on St Helena by SHG between 2004 and 2006.
20 September 2013