St Helena Government and Bank Of Saint Helena Seeking Feedback on Banking Services on St Helena

St Helena’s Sustainable Economic Development Strategy 2023-33 outlines the modernisation of the Bank of St Helena (BOSH) as a key work stream required to enable the modernisation of St Helena’s financial services and company law – a sector identified by the government as one that can enable future transformation of the economy.

As part of the ongoing work, St Helena Government (SHG) is developing a banking policy for the island, so that both BOSH and SHG can have a clear strategy and action plan for improving banking services for St Helena’s residents, businesses, and investors.

To assist in developing the policy and associated strategy, BOSH and SHG are seeking feedback on the use of banking services by residents, the diaspora, and other users of banking services. It is essential that we gather as much data on banking activity as possible in order to have a complete and full understanding of the needs of businesses and individuals, so that future investment can be targeted at the most critical areas.

The survey can be accessed online at

If you do not have access to the internet, you can also complete the survey in person at the St Helena BOSH branch, Market Street, Jamestown or the Ascension branch, Administration building, Georgetown. 

This work is being supported by SHG’s and BOSH’s independent professional advisors.  The advisors will be visiting St Helena in late February to follow up on feedback received. If you are interested in speaking to the team in person, please email Economic Development Portfolio Assistant, Alexandria Thomas on to register your interest.  All feedback will be kept strictly confidential.

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