18 March 2024
The Statistics Office has released new provisional range estimates of the expenditure of visitors for 2023, of between £4.6 and £6.4 million. This is roughly the same as in 2018, and only slightly lower than 2019, the year directly before the COVID-19 pandemic, which was between £4.8 and £6.6 million.
Note that the exports of St Helena consist of both goods and services purchased by those that are not normally living on the island. The value of services provided to visitors to the island is currently far greater than the total value of the exports of goods, such as fish and coffee. Visitor expenditire estimates are based on estimates of the daily expenditures of different categories of visitors, and their length of stay on St Helena; the estimates derived from this method are not precise, and so they are given as a range to indicate that their uncertainty.
Download the full set of statistics on external trade, including goods imports and exports and visitor expenditures, here.