29 February 2024
The latest estimates have been released for the numbers of passenger arrivals and departures to and from St Helena. Please note that these estimates are provisional.
In January 2024, there were an estimated 625 arrivals, with 449 arriving by air. 237 people arrived for leisure, including 147 non-St Helenians, and 90 St Helenians visiting family and friends on the island. This is the highest number of non-St Helenian leisure visitors since February 2020 (250). 176 people arrived by sea, including 174 people by yacht. Yacht arrivals in January 2024 included participants in the World ARC Rally whose second route from Australia called at St Helena on their way to Brazil.
During the last 12 months (February 2023 to January 2024) there have been 4,362 arrivals, compared to 3,297 in the same period a year ago – a 32% increase. Of those arrivals, 2,135 were for a leisure purpose, this is just over 900 more than the previous 12 month period (February 2022 to January 2023) when arrivals for leisure purposes totaled 1,217.
There were an estimated 819 departures in January 2024, 194 more than the number of arrivals. 668 left by air with the remaining 151 leaving by sea. During the last 12 months (February 2023 to January 2024), there were a total of 4,381 departures, compared to 3,270 in the same period a year ago - an increase of 34%.
Get the data
A file with detailed monthly statistics on arrivals and departures to January 2024 can be downloaded here (Excel format).