‘Flossuary’ – The 28 Day Challenge

The Dental Department launches their ‘Flossuary 28 – day Challenge’ today, Thursday 1 February 2024.

During the month of February, the Dental Department is encouraging everyone to try cleaning in between their teeth once a day for 28 consecutive days, after which you will feel and see a difference in your gum health.

Participating in the ‘Flossuary’ challenge helps prevent tooth loss, reduces your risk of heart disease and strokes as well as reducing your risk of diabetes.

The Dental Department has a small number of free ‘Flossuary’ packs available which includes guidance on how to clean between your teeth, a 28-day chart and product samples.

To collect your free ‘Flossuary’ pack, please contact the Dental Department as soon as possible by telephone on 22500 or via email through Charmaine.buckley@sainthelena.gov.sh.

For more information about ‘Flossuary’ you can visit https://flossuary.com/.

#StHelena #DentalDepartment #Flossuary



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