Constituency Meetings

The public are invited to note the following dates and times for Elected Members’ constituency meetings.

These meetings are an opportunity for you to meet once again with your 12 Councillors and raise any issues you might have.

You are encouraged to attend the meeting in the district that you live.

Constituency meetings will start at 7.30pm as follows:

Monday, 13 FebruaryGuinea Grass Community Centre  
Wednesday,15 FebruarySt Mary’s Church, Briars   
Thursday, 16 FebruarySilver Hill Bar, Levelwood
Monday, 20 FebruarySandy Bay Community Centre  
Tuesday, 21 FebruaryKingshurst Community Centre  
Thursday, 23 February       St Michael’s Church, Ruperts 
Monday, 27 February       Harford Community Centre
Wednesday, 1 March    Half Tree Hollow Community Centre   
Monday, 6 March    Jamestown Community Centre  
Wednesday, 8 March   Blue Hill Community Centre


3 February 2023

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470